【新书】黄玉顺著《中国正义论》(“Chinese Theory of Justice ”)在英国出版

发布时间:2016-06-17 09:31:00


黄玉顺著《中国正义论》(“Chinese Theory of Justice ”)在英国出版


Voice From the East:

TheChinese Theory of Justice


Huang Yushun

Translators: Hou Pingping & Wang Keyou


Paths International Ltd







PartI  TheChinese Theory of Justice

1 Advancing a Chinese Theory of Justice: The PoliticalEffects of Confucian InstitutionalEthics on the ContemporaryWorld   

2 Re-constructing the Chinese Theory of Justice:Reflections on Institutional Ethics in LifeConfucianism                                        

3 An Outline of the Chinese Theory of Justice                          

4 The Theory of Justice in LifeConfucianism                       

PartII ConfucianTheories of Justice

5 Confucius’Theory of Justice                                     

6 Mencius’Theory of Justice                                       

7 Xunzi’sTheory ofJustice                                        

PartIII A History ofChinese Thought on Justice

8 People’sSovereignty and its Principle of Justice: An interpretation of the Duke of Zhou’s PoliticalPhilosophy        

9 The Significance of The Rites of Zhou in Modern Society:Interpreting the Concept ofSocial Justice in The Rites OfZhou                        

10 Properness and Fitness of Norms and Institutions:AStudy of the Thought on Justice inZhouyi         

11 Establishing Norms and Institutions on the BasisofBenevolence and Promoting Political Reform on the Basis of Justice: Aninquiryinto the Confucian Root of Legalism and its Variations Reflected in theBook ofLord Shang           

12 The Idea of Justice of the HanEmpire and ItsEnlightenment to Modern Society —AnInterpretation of the Concept yì义as “Justice” in BaihuTongyi   13 Consistency of the Great Unification in China overThreeHistorical Periods  

PartIV ContemporarySocial Justice Issues

14 Confucianism and the Destiny of China: Commemoratingthe90th Anniversary of the MayFourthMovement                            

15 Crisis or Opportunity? Reflections on theRelationshipbetween the Current Financial Crisis and the Confucian Principleof Justice     

16 How Is “GlobalEthic” Possible? QuestionsRegarding the Declaration    Toward a Global Ethic and ConfucianEthics                 

17 lĭ礼and Life: A Speech onConfucianism in the Holy CityQufu          

PartV Appendices

18 A Letter in Reply to ProfessorX                                

19 Four Letters Concerning the Kin ConcealmentSystem            

20 Confucian Ethics and Contemporary China: An Interviewwith- Professor HuangYushun                          




This book is the result of a co-publication agreementbetween Anhui People’sPublishing House (China)and Paths International Ltd (UK).


The publication of this book is sponsored by the ChineseFund for theHumanities and Social Sciences (中华社会科学基金).



Voice From the East: The Chinese Theory of Justice

Authored by Huang Yushun

Translated by Hou Pingping & Wang Keyou

ISBN: 978-1-84464-358-5

Ebook ISBN: 978-1-84464-386-8


Copyright © 2016 by Paths International Ltd, UK and byAnhui People’sPublishing House (China).


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may bereproduced,translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any formor by anymeans, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without theprior permissionof the publisher.


The copyright to this title is owned by Anhui People’s Publishing House(China). This book ismade available internationally through any exclusivearrangement with PathsInternational Ltd of the United Kingdom and is onlypermitted for sale outsideChina and India.


Paths International Ltd

PO Box 4083


United Kingdom



Published in United Kingdom 











(Paths International Ltd)






壹  中国正义论


第一篇  必须旗帜鲜明地提出“中国正义论” ——儒家制度伦理学的当代政治效应

第二篇  中国正义论的重建 ——生活儒学的制度伦理学思考

第三篇  中国正义论纲要 

第四篇  生活儒学的正义理论 


贰  儒家正义思想


第一篇  孔子正义论 

第二篇  孟子正义论 

第三篇  荀子正义论 

叁  中国正义思想史


第一篇  “民本”的“人民主权”实质及其正义原则——周公政治哲学的解读

第二篇  “周礼”的现代价值究竟何在?——《周礼》社会正义思想诠释

第三篇  制度规范之正当性与适宜性——《周易》正义思想研究

第四篇  仁爱以制礼,正义以变法——从《商君书》看法家的儒家思想渊源及其变异

第五篇  大汉帝国的正义观念及其现代启示——《白虎通义》之“义”的诠释

 第六篇  中国“大一统”的“三时一贯”论 


肆  当代社会正义问题


第一篇  儒学与中国之命运——纪念五四运动90周年

 第二篇  危机还是契机?——当前金融危机与儒家正义原则之思考

 第三篇  “全球伦理”何以可能?——《全球伦理宣言》若干问题与儒家伦理学

 第四篇  礼与生活 


伍  附录


一、回某某教授的一封信 / 黄玉顺

二、关于容隐制问题的四封信 / 黄玉顺

三、儒家伦理与当代中国——专访黄玉顺教授 / 记者黄小孺

